Friday, August 22, 2008

2012: The End or a New Beginning?

With all the dramatic changes currently effecting all aspects of our lives -- from the environment to food supply -- the question of what our future holds has understandably become an important topic of conversation. Many people are looking to the Mayans and the year 2012, which marks the end of the 5,000 year "Fourth Age," for answers. Are the increasing global catastrophes foreshadowing the apocalyptic end to our planet, or are we simply entering an "Age of Enlightenment"?

At Crazy Wisdom, we have an entire section, Future Visions, devoted to the possibilities of what is yet to unfold before us. Like the best selling book, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck (Tarcher Penguin, $14.95), Hwee-Yong Jang's The Gaia Project: 2012 The Earth's Coming Great Changes (Llewellyn, $14.95), and Barbara hand Clow's The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind (Bear & Co., $18.00) we carry titles that offer explanations for the changes we are experiencing and what they mean for mankind and our planet. Whether you are looking for something to calm your fears, or looking for something that resonates with your own personal theory about our future, you are sure to find something that will confirm that we are surely on the verge of something great.

Come in and check out our Future Visions section, located at the back of the store on our first floor. Our friendly staff would be happy to lead the way!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Breaking Dawn is in stock!

The newest in the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer, the highly anticipated Breaking Dawn (Little, Brown $22.99), has arrived! At 754 pages, Breaking Dawn is sure to add more dramatic twists and turns to a story that has millions captivated. The Twilight Series follows the story of Isabella Swan, a girl who happens to fall in love with a vampire, which complicates her life, to say the least! Follow her harrowing adventures by picking up Twilight (Little, Brown $10.99), the first in the series, and see if you don't get hooked. Crazy Wisdom is the place to pick up all of Stephenie Meyer's books, including her recent title for adults, Host (Little, Brown $25.99).